About the author
Moti Shapira
Moti Shapira began his career as a detective for the Central Unit of Investigation in the Israeli Police Force. He continues to serve with a special anti-terror unit on the IDF Reserve Forces. Over the past two decades Moti has conducted criminal investigations and intelligence gatherings for his clients worldwide. From his offices in the United States , Europe and Israel , Moti serves a variety of clients including lawyers, celebrities, major corporations, businessmen and politicians.
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Like most young starlets, Stephanie Simmons moved to Hollywood to pursue fame and fortune. Stephanie, however, finds herself working as a clerk, trapped in an unbearable marriage-- far from the life of glamour she had envisioned.
I ate up the book in two days...superb…I love suspense books
I read your book on a long flight, beginning to end, holding my breath the whole time...I was excited...suspended...touched...saddened...and learned about you and the world of investigations.
Amazing book, interesting and suspenseful...finished reading it in two days... waiting for the next book.
Interesting and exciting...could compete with any of the leading authors.
My wife wants to talk to you...for two days I did not pay her any attention... the book is wonderful...holding the attention.
I finished your book, I liked it…you are good.
I bought your book for my girlfriend overseas...she read it and loved it
Very nice, captivating and suspenseful... arousing... happy and sad...well done, good luck
My only disappointment from you in your book is that you mixed your whisky with ice! Everything else was great, enjoyed every moment.
John M.
Unbelievable! Instead of spending my holiday time with the family I spent my time enjoying your book.